The slide shows are based on some of the pictures in Elizabeth Sarfaty's
album of Experiencing Diversity 1998 and Jin Wu's albums of 2000 and 2001.
There is a paper about the Experiencing Diversity workshops
published in "Experiences in Relatedness:
Groupwork and the Person - Centered Approach"
edited by Colin Lago and Mhairi McMillan
(1999) by PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, England
Experiencing Diversity
Come join us in a celebration of Diversity...a place where a group of people
who have ranged in age from teens to nineties learn from and with each other.
Here you will find individuals from a variety of life situations, cultures and
backgrounds...including but not limited to people with disabilities, both visible
and not, people who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, asexual...agnostic, atheist,
buddhist, christian, islamic, and jewish...people of various colors and shades
...people who speak more than one language, and people who don't, people with
and without formal education, who come to share the school of life...people who
have money to spare, and people who don't.
All of us seek to find ways to build bridges for understanding one another. We hope
to learn from, listen to and talk with each other even when we disagree. We will share
the struggle and the TRIUMPH as we listen to each other's differences and learn to
understand and often celebrate them along with our sameness.
The format of the workshop is Person - Centered. Dr. Carl Rogers, the world renowned
humanistic psychologist, evolved over his long lifetime what has become known as
the Person - Centered Approach. He believed that everyone has a natural tendency
to grow in positive ways and that if three conditions are present in a group:
One) Respect and compassion for others as well as oneself
Two) Realness and genuineness: being honest and open to one's self and others
without pretense or games.
Three) Empathy: practicing deep listening to the other person(s) in a way that
she or he feels heard.
then positive growth for all is most likely to occur.
1997 is the tenth anniversary of Carl Roger's death.
Participants will have the opportunity to inquire into the theory and philosophy
of the Person - Centered Approach.
Staff members who will facilitate the workshop have had extensive education,
experience and training in the Person Centered Approach and are volunteering
their services. Because building a community is an ongoing process it is important
that participants plan to attend all sessions.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
October 11 - 13
(Registration, room assignments, and refreshments
4:00 to 7:00 on Friday
"Get-acquainted" meeting 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. Friday evening
Meetings 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday)
Hemlocks Conference Center
Hebron, Connecticut
The center is in the woods next to a beautiful lake and has a swimming pool, basketball,
Costs: Registration, meals and lodging $270. If you can pay more, you will enable
a person to participate who does not have enough money to pay the full fee.
Some scholarships are available for those who cannot afford the full costs.
$25 discount for registering by September 10th. Advanced registration is necessary.
Contact Lewis Gover for information 516-889-5157. Vegetarian diet is available.
Transportation to the conference site from bus or train centers in Hartford or
Bradley Airport may be arranged.
Information: New England: 508/755-6611;Conn.: 860/826-7585
New York Metro Area 516/889-5657;NJ: 973/627-0525
Pennsylvania: 610/683-4211
Spanish Interpreter: 860/826-7585
Wheelchair Accessible
Participant Responsibilities
To maintain this an alcohol and drug free environment.
To be 18 years of age or older or to be 14-17 and accompanied by parent/guardian.
To be present at all scheduled community meetings.
To sign to these responsibilities at Registration.
Special needs, e.g. vegetarian