Ruth wrote this in one burst while we were working on a description of her return to South Africa in 1987.
This tape was made February 12,1986 at the University of Capetown. This was the second trip Carl and Ruth made to South Africa. They were more familiar with the setting but still enthusiatic about the tasks. They were also flushed with the success of the recent conference at Johannesburg where the 36 small group facilitators after finding deep, deep differences in the pre-conference preparation sessions discovered they could work together in the small groups.
Capetown Conversation side 1 (audio)
I've retained the earlier recordings (side 1 and 2) for those who prefer the smaller size.
Capetown Conversation side 2 (audio)
The header for now is about a minute too long. Patience, they're worth it :-)
Meeting with Credo Mutwa (audio)
Cedo Mutwa is a leading sangoma or healer. He is Zulu, knows eight languages, and is a philosopher, sculptor, artist, and writer. The encounter was full of surprises and reversals. Ruth regarded it as a missed opportunity in the sense that neither of the two men quite managed the deep meeting that she felt was possible. Carl once remarked that the necklace Credo gave him to bring him luck had done a good job so far. Ruth could well have said the same for hers.
Evening at Jean Naidoo's (audio)
Here Carl and Ruth discuss a gathering at the home of a leading woman political activist. The discussion seems prescient when guests think the political system may collapse under the weight of its own laws and regulations.
Review of Capetown Conference 1982 (audio)
Carl and Ruth had the practice of reviewing the day's events on tape. Some of these audios became the basis for chapters in the to be published book on "The PCA in South Africa".This tape recalls the Capetown conference of l982. It was noted for its sense of community. There was also a strong interest in small groups to discuss men-women issues.
Photos of the PCA in South Africa
a large selection of slides and photos mostly colored of Carl and Ruth's visits in 1982 and 1986 and of Ruth's return visits in 1987, 1995, and to the 1998 IPCA Forum